Lang Wiki

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Lang Wiki

Învățarea limbilor străine

Learning Foreign Languages

Apprendre des langues étrangères


Apprendimento delle lingue straniere

Nicolae Coman 2427r8
Nicolae Coman,
creatorul acestei wikipedii şi
colaborator la Wikipedia în
limba română
Această Wikia conţine în acest moment 548 articole şi este destinată în special vorbitorilor de limbă română şi are drept scop studiul unor limbi ca: engleză, franceză, germană, italiană, spaniolă, portugheză, maghiară, ţigănească şi altele.

Arborele categoriilor
O wikia aleatorie
HTML to Wiki Converter

Paginile acestei Wikia[]

Interlanguage wiki zh

Alte pagini utile[]


Currencies Czech Danish Dutch Esperanto Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Icelandic IPA English IPA Full Italian Maori Math Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Spanish Swedish Symbols Turkish Welsh

Ghiduri de conversaţie[]

(Arabic Chinese Dari Dutch English for Portuguese English for Spanish Esperanto French German Hebrew Hindi Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Korean Latin Norwegian Pashto Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Swedish Turkish Urdu)


Numeralul în diverse limbi[]

Only Well !
Nur Gut !
Seulement Bien !
Solo Bien !
Soltando Bene !
Eggyetlen Jol !
Tylko Dobrze !

Citate motivaţionale[]

Quot linguas calles, tot homines vales

Latin: Quot linguas calles, tot homines vales.

Italian: Quante lingue parli, tanti uomini vali.

Spanish: Cuantas lenguas hables, tantos hombres vales.

Portuguese: Quantas línguas fales, tantos homens vales.

Croatian: Koliko jezika znaš, toliko ljudi vrijediš.

Czech: Kolik jazyků umíš, tolikrát jsi člověkem.

Serbian (Latin script): Koliko jezika znaš, toliko ljudi vrediš.

Slovene: Kolikor jezikov znaš, toliko mož veljaš.

Afrikaans: Soveel tale soos ek kan, soveel male is ek man.

English: As many languages as you speak, so many individuals are you worth.

German: Soviele Sprachen du kannst, so oft bist du Mensch

Hungarian: Ahány nyelv, annyi ember. / Ahány nyelvet beszélsz, annyi embert érsz.

Greek :Όσες γλώσσες ξέρεις,τόσο περισσότερο αξίζεις (Oses glosses xeris,toso perissotero axizis)

Turkish: Bir dil bir insan , iki dil iki insan.

"Learning a foreign language, and the culture that goes with it, is one of the most useful things we can do to broaden the empathy and imaginative sympathy and cultural outlook of children." - Michael Grove
"Language has no independent existence apart from the people who us it. It is not an end in itself; it is a means to an end of understanding who you are and what society is like." - David Crystal

The Benefit of Bilingual Brains
Employees who speak more than one language don’t just communicate with more people — they function differently. (

"The limits of my language means the limits of my world." - Ludwig Wittgenstein

"A different language is a different vision of life. - Federico Fellini

"Hello and thanks

One of the most important parts in SEO is the language that is used both in education and in all departments

Tikkaa Online Language Learning Platform

A system with a simple and convenient user interface

Teaching and teaching 14 languages at different levels

With the presence of more than 400 professors and 25,000 language learners

Possibility to hold a trial session for free

سلام و تشکر

یکی از بخش های مهم در سئو زبان است که هم در اموزش و هم در کل بخش ها کاربرد دارد پلتفرم اموزش انلاین زبان تیکا

سامانه ای با رابط کاربری ساده و مناسب اموزش و تدریس 14 زبان مطرح در سطوح مختلف با حضور بیش از 400 استاد و 25000 زبان اموز امکان برگزاری جلسه ازمایشی به صورت رایگان


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